Vintage Adventurer on Nat Geo

11/03/2017 02:00AM

Nat Geo People will be airing a two hour documentary at 8:30PM on the 14th of March on the Vintage Adventurer; Rod Wade. The documentary will be following the 2016 Great Rattler Run, in which Rod drove his modified 1929 Ford Model A from Cockle Creek in the deep south of Tasmania right up to Cape York in Queensland, an 8750km trek. This is the latest in a number of incredible trips undertaken by Rod, and in doing so, continued to raise money to put towards creating a fleet of ‘Kidney Kampers’ for Kidney Health Australia.

Davies Craig has been a strong supporter of the Vintage Adventurer, who tackled the 2016 Great Rattler Run armed with a Davies Craig Electric Water Pump, Digital Controller and 16" Thermatic Fan. When asked about the performance of the Davies Craig products throughout his arduous journeys, Rod had the following to say:

“The Davies Craig products together with the Lucas Oil Water Wetter are a wonderful combination. The Electric Water Pump is brilliant and many people have been sneaking a look under the bonnet to see why I can run so hard in the head winds and heat. Top speed on the black stuff was 140kph before I realised and backed off. When we have ram air I actually turn the EF off in order to retain some heat in the engine.”

Being an Australian owned company, Davies Craig relishes the opportunity to support such an inspirational concept. We look forward to continuing our support of the Vintage Adventurer and can’t wait to see what he has planned for the future!