Installation of Electric Water Pump Combo Kit to CJ8 Jeep

02/08/2017 08:30AM

Davies Craig undertook to assist a customer who was experiencing an overheating issue with his CJ8 Jeep equipped with the 4.2 litre, 6 cylinder engine and 3 speed automatic transmission. The Jeep was brought into our R & D area where the engineering department proceeded to dismantle the engine parts associated with the engines cooling system. Firstly, the coolant was drained and retained. The top and bottom radiator hoses were removed and then the radiator was removed. The drive belts were loosened and removed and then the mechanical water pump was removed.

The customer supplied an existing mechanical water pump housing with the fan drive shaft and impellor removed. The top and bottom radiator hoses were then removed and retained for use during the EWP installation. The viscous fan clutch and blade as well as the radiator, the existing mechanical water pump and thermostat housing were removed.

After removal, the radiator was sent to Aussie Desert Coolers to have mounting lugs welded into the outer frame to accommodate the mounting of the Davies Craig 16” Fan. Using some of the existing bottom radiator hose, the EWP130 Electric Water Pump was fitted. The modified mechanical ware pump housing and the thermostat housings were bolted to the block, while the Digital Controller’s Thermal Sensor was placed in the top of the radiator hose. The LCD EWP/Fan Digital Controller was mounted under the dashboard along with the LED warning light.

Along with the wiring and relays, the radiator with its newly mounted 16” Electric Fan was reinstalled. At this stage it was imperative to ensure that all the air was removed from the entire cooling system before being filled.