How to Avoid an Overheating Engine

11/02/2017 05:00AM

Being specialists in the automotive cooling industry, we know a thing or two about keeping engines at optimal temperatures. Throughout the summer months, older cars and cars with slow or poor coolant circulation may succumb to the excessive heat, ultimately resulting in an overheated engine. We’ve compiled a simple list of precautions you can take to avoid an overheating engine.

Make sure you have fresh coolant in your radiator

Firstly, ensure that you’re regularly checking you have the correct amount of fresh coolant in your radiator. You will need to check the consistency of your coolant, if it has thickened or turned to sludge in any way, your radiator will be working overtime. Typically coolant should last between 12 and 24 months and vigilance is essential in ensuring you won’t encounter any issues.

Search for any cracks and leaks

Thoroughly search the radiator and surrounding hoses for any cracks or leaks. The hoses should be firm and supple, ensuring they won’t crack during hot temperatures. It’s always worth travelling with a couple of litres of spare water just in case your radiator ever leaks or cracks and you don’t have access to coolant. Whilst searching for any faults with the radiator, ensure the radiator hose isn’t faulty. A faulty radiator cap will almost certainly lead to water boiling in the radiator.

Pull over if your temperature gauge begins creeping towards hot

At first sight of your temperature gauge rising, you should be looking for ways to cool your car back down. The issue may be resolved by driving slowly, although it may take completely stopping to bring the engine back to an acceptable operating temperature. Now this may seem counter-intuitive, although your car will benefit from turning the air-con off and the heater on. Your air-conditioning places a heavy load on your engine and will certainly be contributing towards its overheating. Turning the heater on and pointing your vents out the window works to help maneuver some of the hot air from your engine bay away from the overheating parts of the car.

Take It Easy

In summer, it’s important not to put your car through any more stress than it is in already. Be careful not to rev your car unnecessarily or travel for long distances in excessive heat, both of which are likely to result in your engine temperature rising. Towing a heavy boat or caravan and putting your engine under strain will result in your temperature gauge rising.

Regular Servicing

Servicing your car at the correct intervals outlined in your cars service manual increases your chances of finding any issues before they become big problems. A qualified mechanic is likely to spot small problems that the untrained eye might have missed.

In conjunction with the above, there are a number of basic factors that may be contributing to your car overheating, such as your fan blade rotating or facing in the wrong direction. Your temperature gauge or thermostat could be faulty, or maybe your number plate, driving lights, or bull bar are obstructing ram air.

So there you have it, a few simple methods you can utilise to avoid an overheating engine. Remember, products such as Davies Craig’s range of Electric Water Pumps and Thermatic® Cooling Fans will drastically improve the cooling capabilities of most cars, allowing you to easily monitor and control your engine temperature. When it comes to automotive engine cooling and solutions, Davies Craig is an industry leader in design, quality and innovation. Proudly Australian owned and operated, we have been manufacturing and distributing world class Electric Water Pumps and Thermatic® Cooling Fans around the world for over 45 years.