Greenspeed Research Takes on Bonneville Speedweek

Idaho based land speed racers Greenspeed Research took on the iconic Bonneville Speedweek once again in 2018. Armed with two Davies Craig EWP150’s, the renewable energy powered racer was able to complete a number of trouble-free runs at around the 150-170 mph mark.
The team’s overall goal with the project is to become the worlds fastest vegetable oil powered car, however this years running was done under the power of biodiesel, as they looked to continue the fine-tuning process.
Cooling on the salt flats is one of the more complex issues that teams face as their cars (and bikes) hold maximum RPM’s for 5 miles as they pass through a number of timing gates. The Greenspeed team understand cooling issues on the salt better than most, as back in 2016 they were forced to retire after being unable to keep their intercooler temperatures in check.
The debrief is now underway and the team will be back in 2019 to have another crack at the salt flats.
Are you the proud owner of a salt flats racer, or maybe you take part in another form of motorsport? We have helped out a number of teams with their cooling issues as they look to push the limits of their machine. Use the contact form to get in touch.