Electric Water Pump For BBC - Overview

21/11/2019 12:00AM

What Is a BBC (Big Block Chevy)?

Big Block Chevy engines are known for their easy going, low stressed nature, producing prodigious amounts of torque at the same or lower revs than the extremely popular Small Block Chev engine. The Big Block Chevy engine is heavier, larger and produces longer strokes compared the Small Block engine. This has made the BBC an attractive engine for Hot Rodders and muscle car enthusiasts alike.

Davies Craig Electric Water Pump for Big Block Chevys

Davies Craig has specifically developed an Electric Water Pump, or EWP®, for the BBC engines. The standard water pump on BBC engine is  a belt driven unit, and the pump is located at the front centre of the block. However, there is a separate kit for the BBC, as the fitment is different.

The Davies Craig Adaptor Kit for a Big Block Chevy engine is listed as part number #8621 and #8620 (the difference being the color of silicon adapter hose). This will require a separate Electric Water Pump (EWP®).


The Davies Craig Chev Big Block EWP® Adaptor Kit


Listed as part number #8621 the kit comprises hose clamps, a silicon-based hose, o-rings, adaptor parts, and more, in order to fit a Davies Craig EWP® to a BBC.

Again, just like the SBC (Small Block Chevy) it’s recommended to utilize either the EWP®115 as the minimum, or the EWP®150 with an LCD EWP® & Fan Digital Controller plus a single or double set of Davies Craig Thermatic® Electric Fans. The EWP® and number of Thermatic® Electric Fans will depend on the location chosen inside the engine bay and the application the BBC is being used for. If the BBC is something over 400ci, it’s best to select the EWP®150, with its 150 litres per minute flow ability.

Davies Craig supply the EWP®115 and EWP®150 Electric Water Pumps with 38mm OD (outside diameter) inlet and outlet ports. There is flexibility too with the alloy versions of these pumps having internal threads milled in. These are of an AN16 standard for common use in internal threading.

If your radiator hoses have a larger inside diameter (ID), we can supply 3mm and 6mm (part no. 8510/8511) Rubber Adaptor Sleeves to suit.

The installation procedures will be very similar to those as provided for the SBC. The kits come with a comprehensive installation sheet and our website also has tips and hints.

Davies Craig BBC Header Adaptor Kit.


The BBC Header Adapter Kit (Chev Big Block EWP Adaptor) is almost identical to the SBC kit, but tailored for Big Block Chevy engines. This is part number #8620 and again is designed to route cooling liquid through the manifold system of the BBC. This requires the removal of the mechanically driven water pump, and installation of a suitable Davies Craig EWP®. Again, depending on intended usage either the EWP®115 or EWP®150 should be sourced, along with our digital controllers and Thermatic® Electric Fans.

www.daviescraig.com is the one stop online shop for your extra cooling needs. We’d love to hear about your installations and if you used a competitor before coming to Davies Craig. Let us know here via our social media pages.