Davies Craig On The Road - The Daily Driver

07/08/2019 12:00AM

Humans can be a fussy, finicky lot. As good as something is, we sometimes want something brilliant to be…. Exceptional.

Cars have come a long way in the last century, with engines moving from a crank handle start to a battery powered ignition system. Brakes have moved from a lever and block to a high pressure hydraulic system with anti-lock smarts at each corner. Cooling has improved, with water being replaced by specifically formulated coolants and made to work with iron and alloys and moving that coolant has been the subject of research over the last two decades by Davies Craig.

What does this mean, though for the “every-day driver”? Mechanical, engine powered, mechanical water pumps tend to do the job just fine, and as they should after one hundred years or so. But Davies Craig know that their Electric Water Pump systems work just as well for Mum and Dad as they do for the drag and drift car racers or men out on the salt flats seeking speed records.

Let’s consider for a moment that the family car is in good condition but aging. Wear and tear may mean the components that help keep the engine and its internals cool may be under threat of age-related fatigue. It’s here that a brand new, electrically powered and controlled, water pump will step in to fill the breach.

They’re lightweight and efficient which means incremental fuel savings. They don’t require the engine to power them, which means fuel savings AND less strain on the driveline. Because they’re electronic they can be set to come on and perform at the driver’s discretion (when partnered with a Davies Craig LCD EWP/Fan Digital Controller), not be on operating time. And for those that just want to be sure, to be sure, they can be set to run on after the engine has been switched off, which means any residual heat can be continued to be flushed away.


And because they come in different flow rates, they can be fitted to a wide range of engines. From the humble 1.3L to a turbo 2.0L, from a straight six to a thumping V8, a Davies Craig Electric Water Pump (EWP®) will be there to suit your daily driver.

Check out our range of EWP®’s and controllers on our website. If you have a daily driver that’s a few years old and you’re using a Davies Craig setup, drop us a line and send us some pix.

www.daviescraig.com is the one stop online shop for your extra cooling needs. We’d love to hear about your installations.