Davies Craig Keeps It Cool at Hot August Nights 2017

Davies Craig USA recently attended “Hot August Nights” in beautiful Reno, Nevada. The event began on the Wednesday, drawing an estimated 6,000 cars and around 100k visitors to the greater Reno area. The event was unlike anything we’ve attended in the past just because of its unique layout.
Hot August Nights is held in Reno, but not in one central location, the event is spread out all over the city! It’s about the cars, and the classic car lifestyle, something we can’t get enough of. We met attendees from as far away as Canada and Australia who came to this event just to experience it. Every night, after the show was over attendees would line up along the main streets of Reno to watch the hundreds of classic cars cruise up and down the closed off streets.
Davies Craig was exhibiting the product range inside of the “Big Boys Toy Store” along with dozens of other automotive aftermarket companies. The product range was received very well, selling out incredibly fast, while we also met a handful of customers who already installed the product on their cars.
We also had the chance to officially introduce the Davies Craig Product range to some very large players in the US cooling world so all in all the event was a roaring success. Bring on 2018!